Northeast Florida Paradise


Autumn Has Come to Northeast Florida

Posted by Jake on 3 December, 2009

Last autumn was not that great here in my part of Northeast Florida. It was dull and the leaves weren’t that showy and just seemed to fall off the trees. It really made me miss autumn like I knew they could be. This year has been a total 360.

I believe it is because of the lack of any significant rainfall since May of this year combined with the very high temperatures that accompanied this summer and even early and mid autumn. The colors just within the past two weeks have really shown up and they are actually spectacular. The cooler temperatures and the angle of the sun must have pushed them to change. Unfortunately, I have no pictures of any of this great autumn color; I just thought I would share my observations.

A tree that is very disappointing here in Florida for autumn color is the Crape Myrtle. These trees are so beautiful during the summer here like anywhere else but, the autumn color can’t be compared to their autumn color in states further up north.  At my house this year after our summer 90 degree everyday marathon ended in October and with the lack of rain the trees started to regrow leaves like it was spring. Most of the leaves from this past summer and spring had already fallen of just because of the trees not getting enough water. Now the new growth just recently seems confused and has started to color, although no very pretty. The Crapes are now looking like it’s winter, which is fitting since winter started December 1, well, meteorological winter. When the meteorological season start make a whole lot more sense to me and that is what I go by.

Winter Crape

 “A Winter Crape”

8 Responses to “Autumn Has Come to Northeast Florida”

  1. Darla said

    Jake we received over 6 inces of rain here since Tuesday..I’ll go outside when it gets light and survey the damage..if any as it was not a hard rain. I think some seeds may have floated away though. We have spots of color in Tallahassee, no big display anywhere really.

    • Jake said

      We probably haven’t had an inch in two months, probably no more than 3″ since June 1st. I figure that is why our color is so good this year. The panhandle area, Tallahassee, just has gotten a ton of rain like the rest of the south this year.


  2. Darla said

    It stayed in the 40’s all day today with misty flu like rain!! Maybe some sun tomorrow!!

    • Jake said

      It was misty earlier and it turned into torrental down purs at times… nice rain tha we haven’t seen in forever. Downside, it only reached 59 and only briefly and has been about 50 since 3pm, colder now. At least all day rain during the summer is warmer, like 70’s. It did seem more like winter with all the clouds and rain. Reminded me of Kentucky, because most winter days are cloudy and it rains a lot in the winter and normally turns into snow or it just snows.

  3. Hi Jake, I am looking for you but can’t find you! Are you in KY?

    • Jake said

      Yes, I am in Kentucky. Sorry I haven’t posted. I hope to have a little post on the new blog as soon as we enter the new year. Thanks for remembering me.

  4. Jan said

    Merry Christmas, Jake. Hope you have a great holiday.

    Always Growing

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