Northeast Florida Paradise


Posts Tagged ‘low’

Christmas in July!

Posted by Jake on 12 July, 2008

Today here in St. Augustine hasn’t been very pretty at all. I saw on Weather Channel a couple days ago about a low that was moving eastward and how it was like a low during the winter. So, here we are today and it is actually cool outside. the wind is blowing like crazy, dark clouds are hanging in the sky, and it is raining off and on. All the ingridents for a day during the winter when a low is moving through your area. Ofcourse it is to warm anywhere to get to cold, so the cold is the only ingrident lost in todays low. Due to this it isn’t a day in Northeast Florida to go to the beach or a pool. As of now our temp. is only 75, our averege low at night is 72 for now. That is why the title is “Christmas in July”, I guess the present can be the off and on rain we are getting due to this dry start to July.

The cactus that I was waiting on to bloom has already bloomed I believe. I think it bloomed at night as it doesn’t look like it will reopen and the bloom looks like it is dying. Maybe next year I can see it since I will be prepared to check on it at night and I know the time the bloom might have bloomed this year.

I guess I will go, it has been a slow day here and there isn’t to much to say! Hpe it is sunnier and warmer where you are!


P.S. Since we are on Christmas…Only 165 more shopping days, beware!:)

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