Northeast Florida Paradise


Seedling Camp

Posted by Jake on 11 June, 2009

I have planted more seeds yesterday and I needed to find a spot to place them. I put them on the side that doesn’t get full day sun, but stays warm until night from the heat of the sunlight that was there.  It is like the heat just tsays trapped where the houses are so close together. I put them there because nothing is there and I already have the Windmill Palm seeds in that area. I have more stuff I will put over there in pots later on and I have plenty of room for it.

The seeds that I planted were Palmettos seeds from an unknown source(I can’t remember where I got them), Palmetto seeds from St. Augustine, Blue Fescue Grass, and Daylily ‘Yangtze'(from a seed pod I took from a Wal-Mart plant). We will see how these do.


8 days until I Go To Kentucky!

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